Instructions for Online Registration

Before you begin filling out the application, please prepare the following documents ahead of time for uploading.

  • Download the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and Terms & Policies (T/P) and have them ready for upload.
  • Click the blue icon below to download NDA & T/P 

  • Scan a form of authentic ID /or take a photo your authentic ID and have it ready for upload.
  • Scan a proof of your current residential address (no more than 2 months old) and have it ready for upload  


Please note:

  • When creating a user ID in the registration form, the user ID must be in lower cases.
  • The password must be at least 8 characters with at least 1 number(s), at least 1 lower case letter(s), and at least 1 upper case letter(s), at least 1 symbol (such as $, %, &, or #).


Subscription Plans

RTM (Global) Annual Membership


Your registration is for 1 Year subscription to

We will review your information and payment and email you when your account is active. Usually within 24Hours.

Click "Sign Up" to continue.

Duration: 1 year
Price: €297
Keanggotaan Tahunan - RTM (Indonesia)


Pendaftaran Anda adalah untuk berlangganan 1 Tahun ke (INDONESIA)

Kami akan meninjau informasi Anda (biasanya dalam 24 jam) dan mengirimkan email kepada Anda mengenai Verifikasi Akun & Metode Pembayaran.

Klik "Sign Up" untuk melanjutkan pendaftaran.

Duration: 1 year
Price: Rp.4,980,000
Academy Graduates

 For prior Graduates of!

Your registration is for 1 Year subscription to

We will review your information and payment and email you when your account is active. Usually within 24Hours.

Click "Sign Up" to continue.

Duration: 1 year
Price: €150